Remote settlement of insurance events using Object Control, a new service for clients of the Insurance Company “Express Insurance”

Object Control
More and more insurance companies are considering the possibility of performing core business processes using remote services provided by Object Control software product.
Since May 2023, the Insurance Company “Express Insurance” has been using the application in the process of loss settlement to perform a high-quality remote inspection of vehicles in case of insurance event.
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Insurance Company “Express Insurance” launched a new service for clients to manage insurance events remotely
Insurance Company “Express Insurance”, which is part of the UkrAUTO group of companies, launched a new service for clients that allows them to remotely inspect their cars both in Ukraine and abroad using a mobile application on their phones.
The service can be used by the Company’s clients, owners of CASCO policies and owners of mandatory third party liability insurance, or mandatory civil liability insurance for land vehicle owners who for certain reasons cannot provide a car for inspection and recording of the insurance event during the period specified in the insurance contract. Thus, according to the conditions of the CASCO contract, the client must provide the car for inspection within 7 days since the date of the insurance event, and under the contract on the mandatory civil liability insurance for land vehicle owners within 10 days of the accident. In this case, the insurance company must record the injuries of both parties to the accident within 3 days.
There are situations when, for example, a client does not want to go to the automobile repair shop to record the accident due to minor damage. Using this service, he/she can provide the insurance company with all the information to record the insurance event and repair the car later. The service is also indispensable for registering insurance events of clients who are abroad when it is impossible to organize a standard process.
In order to use the service, you need to download the application of our partners Object Control, available in the App Store (IOS) and Google Play (Android), and follow the instructions provided by the Company’s Specialist of the Insurance Event Registration Department. When using the application, the client takes photos of the car from different angles and takes particular photos of damages. He/she can also add his/her comments regarding the insurance event and car damage.
After the session, the program generates a digital PDF document, a car inspection report, which must be signed by SMS code or QDS (qualified digital signature). The received document is legally binding because the application guarantees the authenticity of photos and geolocation. But it should be remembered that this document does not give grounds to estimate the cost of repair and does not replace a full inspection of the car by a specialist; the necessary amount for car repair will be calculated separately after the client visits the automobile repair shop.
For more information
Additional Liability Company “Express Insurance” was founded in 2008 with the participation of UkrAUTO Corporation, the leader of the Ukrainian automotive market. The Company specializes in car insurance. The Company’s stable high speed of event settlement is ensured by optimal interaction with partner automobile repair shops. The Company is among the most capitalized on the insurance market and 6 years firmly holds a leading position in the TOP-10 rating of Insurance TOP magazine (influential on the Ukrainian insurance market) by volume of insurance premiums.
Object Control is a convenient service for providing a high-quality inspection of vehicles, real estate and other objects, the state of which requires periodic systematic inspection. The Object Control-based object state monitoring algorithm is protected by a patent for the invention dated 11.12.2017 No. 115690 “Method of fixing an object to establish its validity” and a utility model patent dated 10.03.2016 No. 105316.