
The procedure for maintaining the register of property of children’s camps was approved

Object Control



On June 26, 2019, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the Procedure for maintaining the State register of property objects for children’s recreation and recreation.

The register will include information on real estate belonging to the children’s health and recreation institution, their location, the assignment of the institution of the appropriate category, the cost of the bed-day, the schedule of changes and the like.

The data entered in the specified registry will be open and accessible to all users.

This decision was taken to implement the Law of Ukraine dated 06.06.2017 No. 2081-VIII “On amendments to certain legislative acts of Ukraine regarding the organization of health and recreation of children, the preservation of the network of children’s health institutions»,, which provides for the creation of the State register of property objects of health and recreation of children, which necessarily includes information about the property objects of all children’s health and recreation institutions of the country.
