
Survey inspection of crops

Object Control



Agribusiness is one of the riskiest types of business. Farmers face many risks and challenges in their activities. In particular, adverse weather conditions are beyond the control of farmers. However, their consequences can be predicted, and the use of appropriate mechanisms can reduce their impact. In this case, agro insurance can be used as a tool for partial compensation of financial losses received in the event of insurance cases.

But the insurance company has a number of mandatory conditions, one of which is a survey of the insured object. Roughly speaking, the insurance company should make sure that the owner has done everything possible to obtain the crop. Therefore, the survey inspection of crops, as proof of the responsibility of the owner, must necessarily precede the insurance! The mechanism of the survey of crops is covered in this material.

Let’s say you plan to insure the future harvest of winter crops. You address an insurance company that performs such specific functions. Before accepting your crop for insurance, an agricultural analysis is carried out, which will answer the main questions:

  • Will the cultures survive in the winter under normal weather conditions?
  • Is there a potential for the formation of the declared level of yield, based on the technology of growing crops in the economy?

Next, an experienced agronomist-surveyor, receives a task from the insurance company and agrees with the owner on the date and time of the survey inspection of crops. In this task, the contact details of the farm, its area and culture to be inspected are indicated.

Attention! First of all, your farm must be PROPERLY registered and have the appropriate cadastral number, otherwise any insurance company will refuse to provide you with insurance services, because incorrectly registered land does not fall under the pledge.

Where does the survey of crops begin? Each agricultural surveyor, once in the study area, sets the exact GPS coordinates of the point of the field from which the inspection of crops begins. Installation is carried out using the GPS-Navigator.

Then the territory is photographed, the plants are close-up with the root system. Photos are an integral part of the survey, carry information about the stage of vegetative development of culture, the presence of disease or pest damage and the depth of culture sowing. All photos must contain the date and time of shooting the studied field.

The agro survey research crops also includes the determination of the density of crops, phases of development of crops and their compliance with the state of the vegetative period, determining the presence of damage. These studies are conducted by experienced and keen surveyor.

What is the result of the survey of crops? On the basis of the conducted researches and the received objective data, the agro-surveyor forms the Act of inspection of a condition of crops of culture at the time of research.


  1. The number or name of the field will be specified in the insurance contract.
  2. Field area.
  3. The culture that is insured, its variety or hybrid, the phase of development.
  4. The average number of plants per 1 hectare of field or the average biological yield of the crop is determined.
  5. GPS coordinates of the field. In case of insurance of not all field, but only its part, contours of the territory that is insured are additionally specified.
  6. Numbers of photographs, with which additional identification of the field will be carried out.
  7. Comments on the condition of crops, the presence of diseases and pests, the conclusion about the observance of growing conditions.
  8. The possibility of overwintering of crops (if survey is conducted before December 1) or for the insured level of yield (if the examination takes place in early spring, already insured field).

All photos of the field, crops and their condition are also an integral part of the Inspection Report and must be kept until the end of the insurance contract of the company with the farm.

When do I need to conduct a survey of winter crops? The first inspection is carried out before the culture enters winter, the second-in the spring after the resumption of vegetation. This is due to the fact that at the end of autumn winter crops stop growing, and during the winter they can be damaged and die from the action of winter. The resumption of vegetation occurs in the spring, when the average daily temperature is kept at the level of 5°C for 5 days. Sometimes additional surveyor analysis is carried out in winter to establish the state of crops during overwintering.

Survey inspection of crops is most often carried out for the purpose of further crop insurance. But crop insurance is not the only reason for such inspections, they can be carried out at the request of the agronomist to check the state of vegetation of crops. Monitoring of the state of crops, which is carried out by our experts, aimed at timely identification of the causes of deviations in the growth and development of plants. This allows our customers, taking appropriate measures, to avoid further reduction in yields.
