
Object Control introduces automatic recognition of the technical passport

Object Control



In any customer-focused credit or insurance company there is a direct, although somewhat self-contradictory relation: the most loyal and satisfied customer is where the employee is satisfied. After all, if the work of specialists of a financial institution is well organized, then they give customers prompt and good service.

The customer is annoyed with the slow service. The customer will also be outspokenly critical of the situation when working with his/her documents, the employee of the financial institution records the information required for the execution of a loan or insurance agreement incorrectly, resulting in a loss of time to clarify details.

When it comes to pre-insurance inspection of a car or inspection of a car purchased on credit or under lease, while filling in the documents, where it is necessary to indicate information from the technical passport, especially long VIN, it is very useful to reduce the impact of human factor by maximally automating this process.

Object Control software installed on the employee’s smartphone will make him/her “satisfied”, as it will allow him/her not only to get quality photos of the vehicle with marks of time and place where such photos were taken, but also greatly facilitate his/her task to correctly record data from the technical passport. It is enough for the employee to take a clear picture of the technical passport on both sides, and Object Control will recognize and automatically complete the necessary fields for the future electronic inspection report or electronic contract instantly generated in the smartphone and signed by both “satisfied” parties.